Friday 16 December 2016


Hi there! 
I'd like to think I've learnt a lot this year. I mean lessons I'll keep with me, not just the stuff you learn at school (which I am currently free of, thank you christmas!!).
I don't really know if you will find these interesting, but hey, we'll see! 
1. Labels dont define you
Anxiety. Depression. Bipolar. Emo. Goth. Hipster. Straight. Gay. No label can define you. 
I started this year with a group of friends who were labeled as a group, for example, goths. Now, we definitely were not all goths, but we all gained that label, even though it was just a phase. Not everyone liked having that label, it caused a lot of tension, but we have also learned to laugh about it, to embrace it, because even though we aren't technically 'goths' anymore, some of us were once upon a time, so we have earned that label, and it definitely doesn't define who we are. 
This year, I also made a gay friend. He and I became friends very quickly and I still count him as one of my best friends. I soon learned his struggles of being gay. He was and still is being labeled. People say that he can't do this and that because he's gay. But because he has the label, it doesn't mean he can't do certain activities. 
These labels don't define who you are, you are so much more that that. 
2. Laugh
This year, I've learnt to laugh. I don't mean to physically laugh, well I do. obviously I've laughed before, but I mean to laugh when things go wrong. Last year, I frequently found myself getting annoyed when things went wrong or crying if I did something stupid. I suppose thats normal. This year, I would say I've learnt to laugh a lot more. When things go wrong, just laugh, life is too short to get annoyed or upset over everything. Of course, like normal people, I still get upset, but I'm working on improving it. 
3. it doesn't matter what other people think of you
As long as you are happy, it really doesn't matter. Now, I've definitely learnt this, but maybe not quite achieved it, so I can impart wisdom on you, but it really doesn't matter what people think.
So thats my three things I've learnt this year!
What have you learnt?
see you tomorrow
thats just a
sprinkle of my world x

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